Work Lunch Taken Care Of with Hog Roast Middleton

Hog Roast MiddletonAs we approach the end of the year your office might be looking for that extra motivator to get to Christmas where we can all enjoy a little well needed time off. And of course your office might be in the midst of planning its Christmas dinner too, everyone dreaming of incredible golden roast turkeys, stuffing, pigs in blankets, sprouts and roast potatoes, but at Hog Roast Middleton we say why keep dreaming when you could be enjoying some of those roast delights at your office right now! Hog Roast Middleton’s corporate catering can give your business the push required to see out to the end of the year with our delicious roasts and fresh foods delivered and served to your own office.

You only need look as far as our recent customer Barbara and her local housing property office to see what a Hog Roast Middleton catered lunch to the office can do for your business! Barbara recently phoned us up to request our barbecued menu for her team of 16, stating that the team had missed their opportunity to enjoy the annual summer office barbecue due to a particularly busy summer period, and so seeing as Hog Roast Middleton were capable of barbecue dining in any weather thanks to our mobile roasting machines would we be able to help make up for missed time. Not a problem in our books, Barbara!

Hog Roast MiddletonHaving worked with her business before we knew that we could set up our roasters in parking lot outside the office and cook across the morning in time for fresh serving come lunch. We paired a small whole pig roast with our barbecue menu, meaning the property team enjoyed a feast consisting of gourmet sausages, homemade beef burgers, grilled chicken kebabs and veg and halloumi skewers, Greek salad, homemade coleslaw and fries. This with our hog roast was more than enough to make up for the missed summer barbecue, and with the leftovers available they may even be able to make it to next summer’s barbecue before running out of Hog Roast Middleton lunches!

Like Barbara and her team you too could enjoy the best in dining to your office with Hog Roast Middleton. All it takes is a call today!