Hog Roast Bedale – Spring Wedding

Last week we were particularly looking forward to catering for a spring wedding with Hog Roast Bedale. We can never rely on the weather anywhere in the UK but in March we wouldn’t have expected so much snow!! Luckily it had passed in time for the wedding day and we were in contact with the bride Lauren regularly throughout the snowy period but we did keep reassuring her that no matter what the weather we would make it to her wedding day! And we did, snow free!

The day started off quite breezy and chilly but as we headed to the venue the clouds lifted and it started to brighten, perfect for the photos. We were catering the evening buffet but arrived in plenty of time as we did have a large beast to cook, the pig needed to feed 200 guests in rolls. Lauren and Martin had chosen pig rolls, potato wedges, new potatoes and a selection of salads for the guests,  a great combination to please everyone. Surprisingly, out of 200 guests we didn’t have any vegetarians attending which is very rare for such a large event, but we did make a few veggie skewers just in case Lauren and Martin had forgotten as they were a little unsure when booking. We don’t like anyone to feel left out so sometimes it is always better to have half a dozen veggie skewers just in case.

The serve time was 8.30pm and by 8.15pm we had a lot of hungry guests that couldn’t wait till it hit 8.30pm. We chose to take our platinum machine as we are able to keep some food warm. With so many guests to serve too we don’t want the last 50 guests to be having cold food. With myself and 2 colleagues we managed to serve all of the guests very quickly, some even coming back for seconds they loved it that much. The Hog Roast Bedale was perfectly tender and we had just enough crispy crackling to go round everyone.

Once all of the guests were fed we layed out the remainder of the food for them to enjoy into the evening, you never know you might want a quick nibble before bed!

Catering for larger parties is very enjoyable for us, it takes a lot of preparation for a lot of guests so by 10pm we had cleared up and back in the van to head home after a very long but rewarding and successful day.